My music
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Bored In Database Class
I am: completely bored in database class
I think: im about to lose my mind
I want: these bug bites on my hand to go away :(
I have: to rewrite my autobiography
I dislike: the teacher for nto clarifying what is neede don the biography
I miss: my wonderful bf brian :(
I fear: losing everything
I feel: stressed
I hear: ta babbling
I smell: air
I crave: sleep
I cry: inside
I usually: tired
I regret: working for Jian
I search: for answers to my life questions
I wonder: how I am going to survive
I love: Brian :) <3
I care: about everyone that's close to me
I always: am tired
I worry: about school
I am not: doing good in school
I remember: absolutely nothing
I believe: I will survive this semester somehow
I dance: when no one is seeing
I sing: when my songs are on
I don't always: do good in school
I argue: being sensitive
I write: code
I win: Brians heart?
I lose: my mind
I wish: school would end and everything will be better so I can start my life and a family
I listen: to my music
I don't understand: these classes
I can usually be found: at home on my computer
I watch: my korean/chinese drama and shows
I need: to get away
I forget: everything
I am happy: because I have Brian and my family
I Tag everyone who hasn't done this
Bored In Database Class
I am: completely bored in database class
I think: im about to lose my mind
I want: these bug bites on my hand to go away :(
I have: to rewrite my autobiography
I dislike: the teacher for nto clarifying what is neede don the biography
I miss: my wonderful bf brian :(
I fear: losing everything
I feel: stressed
I hear: ta babbling
I smell: air
I crave: sleep
I cry: inside
I usually: tired
I regret: working for Jian
I search: for answers to my life questions
I wonder: how I am going to survive
I love: Brian :) <3
I care: about everyone that's close to me
I always: am tired
I worry: about school
I am not: doing good in school
I remember: absolutely nothing
I believe: I will survive this semester somehow
I dance: when no one is seeing
I sing: when my songs are on
I don't always: do good in school
I argue: being sensitive
I write: code
I win: Brians heart?
I lose: my mind
I wish: school would end and everything will be better so I can start my life and a family
I listen: to my music
I don't understand: these classes
I can usually be found: at home on my computer
I watch: my korean/chinese drama and shows
I need: to get away
I forget: everything
I am happy: because I have Brian and my family
I Tag everyone who hasn't done this
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
What I've been up to!

Monday, July 21, 2008
Happy Bday Brian!!
Here is the box that i got for brian i made the plastic divider for it :) used a jigsaw and epoxy to put it together i was very proud of it since i never touched a jigsaw before
Hehe i already put all his stuff in it fit perfectly! ^^
I decorated his room also so it made it all romantic ^^ i put the lights behind all the presents i got him or made for him
It was really pretty ^^
The lights use to be up there but i got the bright idea to put the lights as seen above and put all my cards up by date ^^
Me and my new beanie!!! Peace! ^^v
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
8 random things about yee......
1) LOVE korean everything!
music, food, dramas, movies....guys!....yes im obsessed! i watch so much movies that im beginning to recognize some words haha, I love their music the most :) as you can tell =P
2) Drifting and cars!
Drifting is the best! never seen anything cooler than that :) and i love looking at really nice cars. Watch top gear a bunch of times if you haven't seen this before must see hilarious show :) I went to two so far and looking forward to going to more!! Here are some pics of the last time i went it was last saturday with andrew and brian and my friends
brian with my purse lol

Love this picture of andrew with brians glasses he looks so handsome lol!

Andrew and brian look really worried O.o we were pretty close to the track sooo i can understand =P
Andrews pimpin =P
3) I LOVE to cook! yes yes yes yummy food is a good idea :) i have been taking pictures of all the food i can take and have been posting them up on facebook, because my brothers friend is wondering how many dishes i can cook so im keeping track right now =P here are some of the ones i have posted can't post them all cuz there is a lot lol
Viet food :)

4) I love programming and webpaging......well most of the times yep yep im a total nerd! Learning how to webpage all by myself so we will see how far that will go :)
5) Would like to be a good photographer :) i found my dad's old 35mm camera and have been messing with it lately :) and i took a few good pictures, and i have NEVER done this type of thing before so i was super amazed at what came out here ya go!!

The flowers brian gave me i dried them and will keep them forever as long as he doesn't piss me off ;)

by far my favorite picture of the whole bunch it's my little moogle! :)

My piano that i dont play anymore :( wish i still had the time to

My aunt got this for me from germany :)

6) Im VERY OCD my target coworkers always make fun of me cuz the slightest wrong finger spacing would drive me nuts haha and i always have to keep my work space clean and clear! Yes and my closet is hung and organized by tanks, tshirts, and long sleeves. And within those divisions are also division of colors yes yes colors lol yeah it's a really bad/good habit of mine =P
7)Im crazy for working more than 2 jobs =P haha yea got my target full time job, was still working for the lab on the website, got a 3rd job at asu to help with student support or whatever they call it just started this week pretty simple so not TOO worried about that, and the last unexpected one i got accepted to do research for FURI thanks to brian writing my proposal haha so there ya go 4 "jobs" even though one isn't paying me haha yes yes i wont have a life but im trying to save up!
8) I am dating brian lol!!!!! that's random enough isn't it? ;) he's such a booger sometimes but i love him :) and i learn new stuff about him every day......... =P
Well there ya have it!!! I know it's super long with the pictures and all but i hope that updates you guys all on how im doing! i hope i dont kill myself by the end of the summer :)