My music

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Scary day

Geeze the weekend was so tiring! after saturday's thing sunday my best friend MJ came over and brought over her fiance was a little ackward because i have not met him before, caught up with her for a little bit, then she left, and then after that i met with my neightbor's niece because she just came over from HK so i wanted to be nice and be her friend since she didn't really have one.  We went to mills and i bought the cutest purse ever! at aero =P and two cute flip flops for cheap =P bought like 5 things for 30 bucks :D im a good shopper woot!  Well after that monday and tuesday i worked to get things done for brian.  And today was pretty scary, in my ethics class at the start of class a guy started to have a seizure, i haven't experienced before so it was really scary and the paramedics came, hope he's ok......Anywaz so much stuff to do this week! homework and a quiz and then an exam next week and another one the one after ahhhhh!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

funny day =P

haha today was a pretty good day had a lot of laughs with my lovable brian ^^, woke up around 11:30 and got ready and waited for brian to call after that we went to go eat at olive garden, probably a more "romantic" place that we have been to for a LONG time, not like mcdonalds or something like that =P, but while we were driving there he got to a station that started to have the song "dont you wish your gf was hot like me" he started to dance in the car i was laughing my ass off, then when we got there we started eating and he ordered this like seafood pasta that had mussels in it and he asked me if he wanted it and i said yes, but not those mussels and he looked at me weird and then i squeezed his biseps and said these ones haha! and then he started to sing the song that we listened to in the car but he changed the lyrics to "dont you wish your bf had muscles like me" i was laughing so hard hehe, then we went to lab and worked pretty much for a few hours and then left.  But it was very memorable today, was really happy ^^ im just waiting for him to call me since he's out with his buddy james hopefully he calls soon cuz im damn tired! RAWR

Thursday, September 20, 2007

So bored!

  Yosh!!!! Again another boring day passes by, didn't do anything yesterday than spend some quality time in the lab with the most hottest guy in the world (my bf ;P), helped him put some of his compounds in smaller bottles to keep him organized and started to dissolve some of his other compounds for me to test later.  And guess what i did today? i did those tests! haha i have sooo many more to go, but at least i have something to do because no one else has anything for me to do "^^  nothing really happened today other than going to school and trying not to fall asleep in class, and having brian put stuff up my nose while i was trying to take a little nap before class and let me tell you i was NOT happy lol.....anywaz im really bored so i decided to post some old to new pics of me and my family! Check them out!

gosh im so asian!!

                         Baby brother

Yummy jello!

haha i was putting on my shoes and my brother decided to take a picture (left) and my cousins last christmas (right)

haha so korean! my brother and my little cousin (left)  adorable carly in the raincoat that i bought for tai she looked cute and smelled like rubber right after it haha (right)

two pictures i drew ages ago i wish i can draw like that again :(

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Another day....

Another day went by just like that....nothing special happened, just turned in some homework and jot down notes in class.  Then went to meet Brian at the lab, was wishing to go and work, but he ended up draggin me to frys. It was fun, searching for computer parts for his parents.  The funniest thing though was when we were in the car driving back to the lab, he was mentioning about something with potato head toys and homosexuals, i was laughing so hard! He's so mean sometimes =P but i love him to death ;), the funny thing is my mom bought him a key chain that says his name and we have always been making fun of my mom buying a pen with his name on it (even though she didn't buy it)  Other than that ive just been trying to work on the layout for this, kinda weird, but i think im getting use to it "^^

For all my bf's family here's some old old pics that he sent me that he scanned =P Enjoy!

I believe that's David to the left



Haha Brian's lips look so plump in the left picture dont you just want to kiss him ;)

Monday, September 17, 2007

There is always a first.....

Weeeeellllllpppp the first time using this thing, need some help obviously ;)  Im not tooo good of a blogger because there isn't much that happens in my life enough =P haha.  Well we had a bday party for my dad this weekend, nothing special.  We went to this resturant named Takamatsu i believe korean/japanese resturant, it's pretty good need to take Brian there sometime ^^.  Work is going good, just worried that i might screw up ><.  School is going ok just some drama in my group with this girl not happy with her peer evaluation.  Today nothing really happened my mom just came over, kinda worried about her because she had a biopsy done on her skin to see if she has cancer, i really hope she's going to be ok.
Since this is my first time here are some pictures:

Me in the car waiting for the traffic to die down (waited for 2 hours) 

Me and my mommy ^^

Most hilarious thing it was outside a jack in the box in cali (believe it's plastic =P)