My music

Saturday, January 12, 2008

It's been forever!!!

Wow lol it's been forever, ive started this post before, but a lot of it was overwritten when i didn't know it, so i was mad and didn't post it lol, so ima start this again hopefully this time i wont overwrite the things that i wrote haha. Now let's start with christmas, 12/23/07 i went to becky's with my mom for christmas party with the Gurrs and the Gu3's :D it was a lot of fun!! i had a blast and of course thank you all for the computer i LOVE it, it's so awsome, i couldn't believe what you guys got it :D. I got a lot of gifts the computer, my mom got me tons of hello kitty stuff (comforters, sheets, pillow, watch, etc.) , then i got a psp from my brother, and 100 dollars which i already spent from my dad lol, i got a pajama set from my grandma, and some random stuff and i got a brian for christmas from mama Gu3

Isn't he cute?? :D
My mom and I had a lot of fun at becky's we made chow mein and almond jello as christmas present lol cuz we know everyone likes it :D. The we did the white elephant thing and mine was the office jim's stapler in jello thing it looked soo great before it went into the box, but then it all melted away during the car ride :( i should have taken a picture of it lol. A funny thing happened that night was that carly was attached to me more than usual, so when brian and i started to hook up the computer i was kneeling and carly just walks up and sits on my knees it was the cutest thing ^^. I wish i could have taken a picture of it. On christmas day we didn't really do anything, i was up playing maple story and we went out to eat as a family. Then the day after christmas my brother, my dad, me, my grandparents, and my two younger uncles packed up in the van and headed toward L.A for a couple of days, my brother was able to escape from the oldies (older adults), but i was stuck with them for 4 days ><><. I was really bored so ive been trying to develop some photography skills lol so here it is, of course their not that great but it was fun to try around :D

hehe my grandma eating

my weird younger uncles i have 4 of them it gets a little crazy

lol their bandits they steal everything stay away (alex left, kevin my brother on right)

relatives i never knew i had lol

hehe cute puppy of a relative of mine, even when you opened the door it wouldn't go in the house it was quite funny

picture that i took at a vietnamese resturant of their roses on their tables, pretty good for a starter photographer ^^"

my grandparents (mom's side) remodeled their house it is TOTALLY different trust me

After i came back from cali it was brian and I's 2 year anniversary, we didn't really do anything though we just watched a couple of movies (We pronounce you chuck and larry, benchwarmers, and superbad) and we ate at home (tuna cassarol) because brian is totally broke :( oh well but i did make a few gifts for our anniversary

He's so cute when he's fixing things ^^ That's pretty much what has been happening i'll tell you what we will be doing for my bday in a week =P stay tuned


Brynn P. said...

Sounds like fun holiday's for you! THanks again for the gifts. That Brian doll looks so much like him!! how funny.
See ya in a couple weeks!

Becky said...

so how are you enjoying your mini-brian? LOL! My mom had so much fun making that. It looks like you had fun in California! we'll see ya later yee!

careyttops or katelyn's kid kitchen said...

i loved reading about your holidays...a new computer, eh!? that's cool! jon just ordered us all the parts for a brand new spanking computer! i think he's excited to put it together and have a better one at home. i could really care less. well, sounds like you had a great christmas and thanks again for all the hello kitty gifts, etc. for christmas. we love kitty!!! :)