My music

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Long time no see!

im not good at this blogging thing huh? lol welp nothing really happening, schools back and im working at the lab and at target! so hopefully this will all help out and not stress me out too much cuz i need the cash!! of course! I visited the Gu3's on saturday it was a lot of fun ^^. Had some good food and best of all got to see bryn and the kiddies. Too bad the gurrs, kelsey, and sam didn't come :( it would have been a lot of fun seeing everyone there. I had some coco with Grandma cuz she wanted me too. ^^ soo i can't wait until i see her again. Today was pretty bad i got to the schools parking lot and it was pouring! and the wind was really strong sooooo i had to walk 2 minutes to catch the bus and of course i was soaking wet from head to toe, my pants were so bad lol, and it was freezing!! lol i hope i don't get sick >< Then i went to the lab and did the webpage which brian helped me with, it looks good so far ^^ need to finish the rest of it. Here are random pictures!!!

lol this is brians plant that he gave me for our first anniversary it totally doesn't look like that when he gave it to me, lol but at least it's still alive >< not much stuff i grow stay alive look at the plant to the left lol!

lol the first flower in like a year!!!! omg!!! so happy lol hopefully it wont die on me ill take a picture when it actually opens, which probably won't be a while

Target 75% CLEARANCE woooo!! got tai and carly new clothes ;) their bigger than their size so they can grow into them ^^

My new glasses that i love, their really cute with butterflies on the side ^^

plant in a can lol, i bought this weekend hopefully something will grow, ima start it tomorrow hopefully and ill take a picture of whats in it O.o lol but it thought it was pretty funny

Couldn't rotate this picture for some reason, but brian wanted me to post the picture of what dr. wang's wife made for me, it's soo pretty, and yes that's what the bells are for and not for a kitty collar lol

Can you guess that's a cover up? O.o i really liked it, but it was quite expensive oh well happy bday present from myself lol

hehe my emo picture


careyttops or katelyn's kid kitchen said...

what kind of a plant is that that bri gave you??? i love growing plants, but they do take so stinkn' long sometimes!! and die before the flowers come! good luck. and i love the plant in the can. that sounds so cool. i'm really wanting to see pics of that one when it starts growing. do you actually grow it in the can or open the can up and pore the contents into another pot?? really interesting.

i need to go to target and check out the clearance. i love the sweaters you got and i need something like that!

Becky said...

cute pics of you yee!! i heard you got a new camera and so you better blog a ton with a ton of pics! thanks for the super cute sweaters for carly!

KeLSie ORdonEz said...

Wow...a plant in a can??? hmm...looks interesting. For my b day my mom gave me a small herb garden, and it died in like 3 days...and i even followed the directions for it and ANd don't you just love clearance?????

Nanna said...

Thanks always for getting Tai clothes and toys!! I feel like I don't thank you enough!! BY THE WAY, he LOVES the basket ball hoop thingy you got his for Christmas! Because of this, he may become PRO basket ball player! I will make sure to tell him that it's all because of you ;-)

careyttops or katelyn's kid kitchen said...

happy ♥ day!! hope you and bri have fun plans!!! if i know bri- you prob don't!! LOL :) {i'll shed a tear for ya & give him a swift kick in the pants next time i see him!!! }