Audtion: Kaba Modern
Audition: Jaba Wockeez
Episode 1: Kaba Modern
Episode 1: Jaba Wockeez
Episode 2: Kaba Modern
Episode 2: Jaba Wockeez
Episode 3: Kaba Modern
Episode 3: Jaba Wockeez
Episode 4: Kaba Modern
Episode 4: Jaba Wockeez
I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick and that you've had $100 worth of fees on your acct.!! that's always so depressing! I hope school is still going well even with the obstacles in the way!
i loved watching these...i've never heard of this show. is it on cable? or just reg. tv? i really like the modern jaba group! the one with masks is pretty cool- i like the mask idea becuz it's fun trying to figure out who you think is who. we love watching american idol & survivor and this seems like a show my girls would love. i'll have to see if it's on our cheapy tv channels!
hang in there!
oops- i meant to say i like the kaba modern group the best! :)
i can finally leave a comment. Your page kept kicking me off. I think it's cause of the MILLION of videos. lol
I love these dance shows!!!! Sorry you were sick and got weasled outta 100$! That sucks!!
HOpe you're feeling better! Have a great week!
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