My music

Monday, September 17, 2007

There is always a first.....

Weeeeellllllpppp the first time using this thing, need some help obviously ;)  Im not tooo good of a blogger because there isn't much that happens in my life enough =P haha.  Well we had a bday party for my dad this weekend, nothing special.  We went to this resturant named Takamatsu i believe korean/japanese resturant, it's pretty good need to take Brian there sometime ^^.  Work is going good, just worried that i might screw up ><.  School is going ok just some drama in my group with this girl not happy with her peer evaluation.  Today nothing really happened my mom just came over, kinda worried about her because she had a biopsy done on her skin to see if she has cancer, i really hope she's going to be ok.
Since this is my first time here are some pictures:

Me in the car waiting for the traffic to die down (waited for 2 hours) 

Me and my mommy ^^

Most hilarious thing it was outside a jack in the box in cali (believe it's plastic =P)


1 comment:

Becky said...

yay yee! i've been wondering if you were going to get a blog or not! i'm glad you did---i do this way more than myspace now! so now you can stay up to date with us crazies!! that pic of the "plastic doo-doo" is hilarious! kinda gross!! lol! i hope all is good with you and let me know if bri is being a jerk and i'll beat him up for ya! :) lol! see ya!