My music

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bored In Database Class

I wasn't tagged to do this but will do it since im bored in database class!!

I am: completely bored in database class
I think: im about to lose my mind
I want: these bug bites on my hand to go away :(
I have: to rewrite my autobiography
I dislike: the teacher for nto clarifying what is neede don the biography
I miss: my wonderful bf brian :(
I fear: losing everything
I feel: stressed
I hear: ta babbling
I smell: air
I crave: sleep
I cry: inside
I usually: tired
I regret: working for Jian
I search: for answers to my life questions
I wonder: how I am going to survive
I love: Brian :) <3
I care: about everyone that's close to me
I always: am tired
I worry: about school
I am not: doing good in school
I remember: absolutely nothing
I believe: I will survive this semester somehow
I dance: when no one is seeing
I sing: when my songs are on
I don't always: do good in school
I argue: being sensitive
I write: code
I win: Brians heart?
I lose: my mind
I wish: school would end and everything will be better so I can start my life and a family
I listen: to my music
I don't understand: these classes
I can usually be found: at home on my computer
I watch: my korean/chinese drama and shows
I need: to get away
I forget: everything
I am happy: because I have Brian and my family

I Tag everyone who hasn't done this


careyttops or katelyn's kid kitchen said...

Yee- i can't wait to see you when we come for a visit!!
20 days & i'm counting down!

why do you miss brian???
where is he???
i miss him too...
i miss not talking to him often,
not seeing him on a reg. basis,
not seeing his sweet smile.
i feel bad that i'm not a very good sister and i'm not very good at keeping in touch!
i need to try to be better of letting my bros & sis. know that i love them and think about them and pray for them- often!!! i just am not good at picking up the phone to chat and see how they're doing.

anyways, i'm thinking of you guys and hope that you're both doing well. i too wish your school would end and you could start life and a family!

while we're there, we want to go out to eat, maybe take the kids somewhere fun like goofy golfing. i hope that you and brian will come with us and hang out!!

lots of love!!!

KeLSie ORdonEz said... haven't posted FOREVER, lol! But, yeah, I don't tell people when my b day is, lol! But thank you!I need to write down everyone's b days too! I can't remember a lot of them!

I was thinking about doing that front room a dark tan....or maybe a tealish green......i can't decide! Not sure if it will clash or not!